Who takes over from Sunday Oliseh as Eagles Manager?

My mind was firmly on Zurich, Switzerland, until a few minutes ago.

Of course, I did not want to write about the elections any more, noticing the cold receptions previous write-ups on them attracted to my page.

People are not really bothered or interested in the politics and scandals that have turned the organization into a theatre of corruption and decadence such as the world of football has never seen in its entire history.

People would rather keep enjoying their feast of global football that has been untouched by all the shenanigans in the organization, and hope that the law will eventually catch up with the culprits that destroyed the image of FIFA and rid the beautiful game of their influence and afflictions.

So, if all goes well and there are no more dramatic detentions and arrests by Swiss security operatives as happened several months ago, a new man will take over at the helm of affairs of world football.

I feel particularly sad for South Africa’s Tokyo Sexwale. I can completely understand his consternation even as he now had no hope in hell or heaven to win.

How could his own people in Africa have led him this far with their assurances only to abandon him at the finish line when they knew all the time he was not their anointed one?

People are wondering where Danny Jordan of South Africa, Kalusha of Zambia, Tenga of Tanzania, Kweisi of Ghana, and even our own Amaju of Nigeria are in all of this.

One day the story of Africa’s role in the 2016 FIFA elections will be told. I tell you it will be very interesting to find out that nothing has changed from the political shenanigans of the past that made African football administration the butt of jokes and a ready tool for exploitation by those who understand how to manipulate an environment with a poverty mentality!

So, as the world is preparing to welcome a new FIFA a friend calls me up very early this morning to release the ultimate bombshell – Sunday Oliseh has resigned his appointment as manager of the Super Eagles on Tweeter!

I can’t even start to think about what could have really happened. Something tells me there is more to Sunday’s matter than meets the eye. It could not be a matter of cash only. He constructed a watertight contract that guarantees the security of his job and payment of his entitlements no matter how long the relationship lasted.

Is he hoping that the Stephen Keshi kind of treatment, when he resigned in South Africa and was begged by the President of the country to return, would be extended to him?

That would be foolhardy. The difference between presidents Jonathan and Buhari is like that between the South Pole and the Sahara desert!

Someone even hinted at a spiritual dimension, that Sunday’s incessant ill health since he joined the national team could be the handiwork of those around him that did not want him there and were using spiritual means to frighten and hound him and achieve their aim. I hope he did not fall for such balderdash.

The truth is that although coming at a wrong time (as Nigeria prepares to start its African Nations Cup and World Cup campaigns) this is not coming as a complete surprise considering recent cat and mouse games between Sunday and the NFF. This development is an accident waiting to happen. There is no way such a frosty relationship would have lasted beyond the next few weeks.

Unfortunately, the implications are many and dire, and the hope now is that the NFF has the capacity to salvage what may be a fast sinking ship.

Of course, this throws up once again the whole issue of the relationship between government, the NFF and football (albeit sports) development and promotion in Nigeria.

But back to Sunday Oliseh’s resignation and its implications.

Who will replace Sunday Oliseh?

One statement keeps recurring and haunting my thoughts, over and over again: ‘they always come back’.

To engage any Nigerian coach would inevitably be a return to a previous vomit – which one of them has not failed in the past?

Incidentally, they always come back as in a musical game of chairs. The question is which one deserves it now?

My mind is already playing a mischievous dangerous game.

I know it will not happen now, but it will not be far fetched to imagine Stephen Keshi preparing to return to the post he vacated not too long ago, justifiably dangling before all Nigerians his unequalled achievements in our football history!

But for now, one of two things will happen.

A few years in the doldrums, the memory tempered by time, with the support of one or two powerful persons in the technical committee of the present NFF, with some strategic media manipulation, any one of the old, long-sacked former national coaches will find themselves back as new brides leading the national team to nowhere.

There is also a seemingly more attractive foreign coach option. Of course, we all know that there is no foreign coach out there ready and available that can guarantee the country the change that Nigerian football needs presently.

They will come, mesmerize with their skin colour and phoney credentials, bluff their way through some easy matches, fall when the going gets tough, take away the scarce resources the NFF does not even have, and leave the country worse off than they met it!

So, forgive me. For once I do not have the answer to who takes over from Oliseh.

I never thought that he would throw in the towel the way he did and this early.

For me as an observer and a sports analyst, I can only apologise to all Nigerians for being one of those that promoted the idea that Sunday Oliseh would make the ideal manager for the Super Eagles.

I believed completely that he had the intellectual capacity, the knowledge and the experience from being a player to have made a great and successful coach.

Unfortunately, the pressure in the game, one way or the other, became too much for him and he gave up the fight!

As things now stand, I admit I was wrong. I have learned my lesson.

Next time I shall keep my mouth firmly shut and Siddon look!

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2 Thoughts to “Who takes over from Sunday Oliseh as Eagles Manager?”

  1. kelechi

    you ant keep quiet uncle sege.Oliseh was right in what he did.You and I know what the real problem is in Nigeria.Its administration.A nation that has used over 16 coaches from 1994 to date is not a serious one.I suggest we wait till after the Olympics then we can build our team from there.I have a feeling we are going to have a good outing in u23.we can build from that team.Foreign coach should be jettisioned.

  2. Sadiq A. Abdullahi

    I decided to take a break from this forum after spending 10 months in Nigeria teaching at one of the universities. One of my objectives was to study the behavior of our sports administrators, particularly at the football and tennis federations. My hypothesis was taht there was difference between good sports administration and management and international podium performance. My belief wa,s and still, is that until sports federations are overhauled or reformed, Nigeria will remain in the dark age, even in the era of All Progressive Congress (APC). Sunday Oliseh saga reinforces my conclusion that mediocrarity, incompetence, nepotism, favoritism, selfiness, and lack professionalism amount for the problems facing all sports federations in Nigeria. APC, consistent with the change mantra, must take the NFF and Oliseh fracas very seriously. Mr. Odegabmi, your apology is not enough. We need a movement to reform all sports federations in Nigeria. You own the nation that much! You cannot “keep my mouth firmly shut and siddon look!”

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